Showing posts with label Clicks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clicks. Show all posts

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Lunch Gath @ Delicous

Lame aku tak jumpe bebudak kolej aku dulu nih. Since masing2 pon sibuk dengan komitment. So this time around si Sha ler ajak gath and kali nih with the whole geng bang hahah kire satu family laa.. yang mana ade anak bini dijemput bawak skali. So we've decide to had our lunch @ Delicious One Utama since tempat nih center untuk semua laa.

This time around err x cukup ahli ahahah selalu 7 orang hahah time nih minus 2 haha aku x leh nak citer kat sini kang x pasal2 aku kena hahahah.. hanya yang terlibat and kenal orang nih memang tahu cerita disebaliknya hahah. Since dah jumpe kami pon ape lagi dok tanye2 gak la pasal 2 orang nih..ape dah jadi keje kat mana but to the extend malas dah nak citer lantak laa diorang nak jadi ape. Enuff of this. This time around memasing bawak anak yang comel2 yang boleh aku jual muke2 diorang nih untuk produk bayi dengan kamera aku hahaha.

Nway congrats to Sha kerana berjaya menjayakan gath nih.. and time kasi bagi hadiah kat fareez ye. To others it was a pleasure to meet u people again! Next gath bila ar?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Clicks: Rimba Warisan

Another great event yang bebudak opis aku buat. This time around ke Rimba Warisan Kg Kemensah. Kat mana tuh hehe x jauh.. belakang Zoo Negara jer. We're having such a good time there! The main event was the BBQ. Ramai gak yang menunjuk skill memasak masing2. Alhamdulillah xde yang sakit perut hehe congrat to Chef Lias dari Bangalor yang handle BBQ siap ngan titisan peluhnya hahah. What they provide here? chelet biasa xde kipas pon, tilam, khemah and lampu. It's just very basic things for livings haha. Malas nak cite banyak just enjoy the picas!

p/s: Tak berapa nak enjoy sangat cuzz hujan. Hujan pon harung gak janji dapat away siket kepala otak yang berserabut sepanjang minggu lepas.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Clicks: End Of Syawal @ EQ

Next, Clicks @ Hotel Equatorial Bangi. Alhamdulillah Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya opis aku nih goes well. Congrats to all team members! Me as official photographer got a few shots to share here! Err nih pon free bro.. xde charge siket pon untuk office hehe. Maklum la buget sederhana aje.. tapi the food dem nice especially kambing pehh.. dapat layan seround jek lain x putus2 layan hahh.. Very entertaining, each team members knows their task hehe almaklum laa aku declare jadi floor coordinator arituh hahah. Walaupun penat tapi very enjoyable and had a really great evening.

Pix Updates!

Pix above courtesy from edan

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