Friday, June 26, 2009

Bumblebee @ Petronas

What happen today? err beside of MJ is dead.. ah abaikan je.. dah jadi lagend pon.. and most of the radio stations pon giving out tributes to MJ aku lak still get into with Transformers. Although aku tak sempat nak gi tengok kat cinema lagi (err maybe sunday early in da morning kut) tapi aku dah tengok yang haram nyer version (hehe dload by pirates of rashdanbien) haha haram tak clear pon sound dia.. tapi ok laa dah tau aa citer cam ner but kena gi tengok wayang gak.. action dem cool.

So today, as stated in my calander "26th Friday - Bumblebee" means that hari nih dah start jual Bumblebee kat Petronas nationwide. So aku gi laa isi minyak kat pertonas tadi and maybe today my lucky day.. ade orang generous sangat tinggalkan receipt kat card transaction @ petrol pump hahah.. so dengan resit tuh laa aku beli Bumblebee aku for RM 15.90 hehe and lagi satu resit minyak yang aku isi tadi for second bumblebee. Kali nih tak mau open box, simpan and preserve it for comming 10- 20 years hahah leh jadi mahal ooo. Dulu masa transformer was hot item that time around 80's haa mahal giler and tak mampu.. Now i've got my own money hah ape lagi beli la.. ape nak wat toy's collectors.. tuu pun kire bagus bukan awek's collectors or bini's collectors (limit to 4 jek) haha. Next item to collect.. starscreem & optimus prime hehe.. catch the updates from me soon..


edan rashid said...

sekali malam dah abis... hampeh tul.. clear... takde langsung... slamat aku dah sarbat pagi tadi... ahahaha

Ajonz said...

huahahaha.. tuu laa aku dah cakap bende nih cam pisang goreng..

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