Friday, June 12, 2009

Hazy Morning

Pagi nih around 7.oo am aku kuar umah. Keluar je dah nampak jerebu. Tak berape teruk lagi. So along the way to the office aku decide nak amik gambo pasal haze nih. Check out picas taken this morning.
Batu 3 Shah Alam - Elite Highway

Putrajaya Tol - 7.45 am Putrajaya..erk mana putrajaya?

P/s: To all drivers out there, please turn on your lights. kalo ade foglight tuh pasang ler.. haha.


Afrezal Karim said...

memang teruk jerubu.. belah cheras, serdang pun macam truk jugak pedih mata

Ajonz said...

ang kena beli mask transformers. cuba ang chcek kat jusco dah jual dah.. kalo hanjing tengok sure lari nyer.. hahahah

Check This out..