Thursday, June 11, 2009

El Nino - How to

El Nino? ape tuh? name sejenis kucing ke? hahah menurut sumber di internet:


Every three to seven years, a warm current of water replaces the usual cold current of water off the west coast of Peru, South America. This observed oceanic phenomenon is called El Niño. This warming is now known to occur over a wider area covering the central and eastern Pacific and has linkage with the occurrence of some major unusual weather conditions in different parts of the world like severe floods and prolonged droughts. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Australia, drier than normal conditions occur whereas central and eastern equatorial Pacific are unusually wet.

Typically, El Niño lasts between 9 to 18 months. It usually begins to develop in the early part of the year, peaks at the end of the year and declines by early part of the following year. El Niño of the same intensity may not give rise to exact replicate of climate patterns.

[source: ]

Menurut berita² di dada akhbar (bukan akhbar khan.. yang tu dada dia banyak bulu) fenomena ini bermula dari bulan nih sampai September.

Macam mana nak hadapi fenomena ini?

1. Minum banyak air.. pasal badan senang dihidrate cepat kering so memerlukan air yang banyak.

2. Kurangkan aktiviti luar. Pada yang ade asma(bukan asma rojak) dok je umah hahah kang semput sape nak tolong.

3. Kurangkan pembakaran terbuka.

4. Kalo dah teruk nak kuar gak pakai mask. Bukan terus jadi mask rider haha.

5. Sape ade sakit kulit or kulit sensitif arr standby laa ubat.

6. Simpan laa stok air. Kang kemarau payah lak. Kire mandi kolah laa.. jangan lak gi mandi kat kolah surau lak.

7. Kalo leh dok kat umah..lagi bagus.. kurang pencemaran dari asap ejos dan penjimatan berganda haha.

More info padal indeks udara tercemar leh check out url ni -->


.: ayesha.ahmad :. said...

iyo lah ajonz...elok lah petuo ko tuh..

edan rashid said...

bercakap pasal mask.. jom beli mask darth vader ngan trooper.. tak pun transformer punya... kita pakai kat office... hahaha

Ajonz said...

bagus gak idea tuh.. kalo ade darthvader aku nak pakai gak.. leh pakai time driving sure gempak nyer..hahahah

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